

The easiest way to reward your fans on Farcaster



The easiest way to reward your fans on Farcaster

The problem Fardrops solves

Makes it easy for brands and creators to create and reward NFTs to their fans. Fardrops is a one-stop-shop for creating NFTs, segmenting rewards groups, and airdropping NFT rewards in-frame.

Challenges I ran into

It was hard deciding what data would be necesary to make the experience valuable to creators and brands. This is a very new space and there isn't a lot of information available about what is most important for creators to engage fans. We hope this app experience inspires new discourse around that. After interviewing several popular creators on Farcaster we agreed to keep it simple and use common data types for rewarding fans such as following an account and channel. We also added what we think are more valuable data types including channel activity and NFT holdings. Some creators mentioned having an NFT they would prefer to use to segment fan rewards. After a short debate on which platform to use to pull data (i.e. Dune, Neynar or Airstack) we chose Airstack which has provided us with a near seamless experience. We plan to keep improving on this in future iterations.
